Monday, 4 April 2016
Sunday, 3 April 2016
Saturday, 2 April 2016
Friday, 1 April 2016
Thursday, 24 March 2016
Monday, 21 March 2016
Final Feedback and considerations for final adjustments
I showed the final draft of my video with my other peers and they gave me some verbal feedback. The feedback was mainly positive, the only thing was that in the shot where Kiki throws her ex's stuff in the bin, it's difficult to tell that it's a bin she's throwing it into. So, I'm going to search through my footage to find the same shot but from a different angle.
I also need to add the title and record label at the beginning of my video.
I'm also going to change the very end with some other shots I got of my artist, I will end it with one where she is walking and laughing with the sun setting and then blur that out with a transition as I think it will be an effective way to end the video.
I also need to add the title and record label at the beginning of my video.
I'm also going to change the very end with some other shots I got of my artist, I will end it with one where she is walking and laughing with the sun setting and then blur that out with a transition as I think it will be an effective way to end the video.
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Final Editing
The deadline is coming up so I need to finalize my video and make it the best it can be.
All I need to do now is put in my performance footage, edit anything and add a few effects.
I left gaps when editing my narrative for the performance as I knew what part of the song I wanted the performance to be. However, I did make some adjustments to this as I went along.
I used the colour board to adjust the exposure as the lake clips were a little to dark.
I added a gaussian blur transition to the end of my video, just as an effective way to end the video instead of it just suddenly stopping.
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
New and last performance shoot
Yesterday, I filmed the last parts for my performance. I went to Greenwich park as it is a large area and has different plants and a lake. I filmed in various locations around the park including on the grass, by the trees and by the lake. This means I can use various different shots in my music video and have various ones to choose from.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
New Narrative Shoot
After reflecting on my first draft and my audience feedback, I decided to re-shoot my narrative part of my music video. I used different settings and angles and also changed the narrative slightly.
Here are some screenshots from the new shoot:
There's a total of 145 videos, the reason it's so much is because there's so many different shots because of the way she moves from one room to another and then outside. Because the video is quite face paced, it needs a lot of shots.
Monday, 22 February 2016
New performance shoot
I re-filmed for my performance on Sunday, I got footage from quite a few angles with different backgrounds.
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Performance Shoot Plan
- I need to re film my performance shots as the last shoot was unsuccessful.
- I'll be using a different setting, with different outfits.
- My new location will be Greenwich Park:

This is because it's more versatile, it has a large amount of land, different trees and plants and a view of London in the background.
- The outfit will be something with a dark green colour as it fits with the nature theme.
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Reflecting on my first draft
After showing my first draft and receiving feedback, I need to reflect on my video and what I need to consider when re-shooting and re-editing.
I think, so far the video does work and the cinematography is fine. However, I need to add more and re-shoot some shots.
The narrative flows and is clear, so I will stick to what I planned for it.
I need to remove shots that aren't needed for the video, like ones of Kiki walking from one part of the room to another. They take up time and don't add anything significant to the video.
I need to remove shots that aren't needed for the video, like ones of Kiki walking from one part of the room to another. They take up time and don't add anything significant to the video.
Friday, 12 February 2016
Feedback for first draft of video
I agree that there's too many shots of her walking about which takes away from the concept of the video.
I agree that to fit more into the convention of indie folk I need to add filters to my video.
I agree, the room is a bit messy and maybe it could look better if it was more clean and so bring more focus to the character and the concept of the video.
Music Video First Draft
My First draft of the video, it has the performance and the last part of the narrative missing as I need to re-do those shoots.
Thursday, 11 February 2016
First, I had to import all of my clips into Final Cut Pro x, where I could then drag them into the timeline.
I then had to pick the clips I needed and drag them into the timeline.
I had to add the song into the timeline as well, this helps me to know where the shots are fitting with the song.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Narrative Shoot
Today's shoot was a success. The clips have great lighting,quality and framing. I have 116 clips which I will use in Final Cut Pro X to begin editing.
Some thumbnails from the clips.
Wednesday, 3 February 2016
Narrative Shoot Plan
On Sunday I will be shooting for my narrative. It will be filmed in the house of my artist between the times of 11am-4pm. I'm allowing myself a lot of time because I have learnt from previous shoots that filming is time consuming because of the different angles I need to shoot from and having to stop and start.
New Footage- Performance
Although I had already planed by scenes I wanted to test the different backgrounds to see if they might also work. Having a variety of backgrounds with the performance makes it easier to find what works.
Brick wall, an okay background but not as fitting with my genre.

Bench with grass and trees in the back- what I planned in my storyboard and works well with the genre.
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
Monday, 1 February 2016
Digipak images
Creating a new digipak
Because of a change of person, my digipak had to change. I couldn't make it very similar to my previous shoot due to the flowers not growing. However, I knew another place that had a lot of nature that I could use:
(Danson Park Gardens)
Of course, this time of year there isn't much colour because the flowers can't grow. However, there was plenty of trees and the environment was very natural.
New Images
The new images I took using different backgrounds and shooting from different angles and frames. I will now edit them in a similar way to my previous digipak and poster.
Friday, 29 January 2016
Change of artist
Due to illness, the person who I am using as Kiki can no longer be part of my video. Fortunately, I planned for if something went wrong and so I have a back up person who can be my artist. This means redoing my digipak and poster which needs completing as soon as possible so I can focus on re-filming and editing my music video.
This Sunday, I'll be shooting with my new person. This will be performance and digipak and poster shoot.
Nothing will change, except the digipak will look different, so I need to ensure it stays consistent with the Indie Folk genre.
This Sunday, I'll be shooting with my new person. This will be performance and digipak and poster shoot.
Nothing will change, except the digipak will look different, so I need to ensure it stays consistent with the Indie Folk genre.
Monday, 25 January 2016
First shoot evaluation
My first shoot wasn't successful, however it has made me more prepared for my next shoot as I now know what to consider.
Friday, 15 January 2016
First Shoot plan
For my first shoot I am going to need a DSLR and a steadicam:
I will be shooting from 2-4pm, this may be cutting it thin because it gets dark around 4:30pm. However, 2 hours should be enough to get some decent footage.
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