Friday, 25 September 2015

Indie Folk Genre- Influences

Indie Folk uses influences from folk and country music:

Country Music

Originating in the 20's in Southern America, Country Music uses mainly guitars in its sounds and consists of mainly dance tunes and ballads. It is named as country music because it literally originated in the country. Indie Folk uses similar instruments to country music.

A popular example of country music would be Dolly Parton: 

It's clear in the video that the guitars are an important part of the genre.  

Folk Music

Similar to country music, folk music was originally that which was sung within communities. It wasn't really created to be sold to wide audiences and was sung by people who weren't necessarily musicians. It later embedded with pop music., during the 'folk song revival.  Again, instruments used in folk music are used in Indie Folk Music.

A popular example of Folk Music would be Bob Dylan's Blowin In The Wind:

The song is an example of a song that reflects current social issues, 'Blowin In The Wind' was song written for the black rights movement in the 60's

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